What can A Living Tradition offer schools?
A Living Tradition can offer talks, presentations and training about the regional heritage of human rights and community cohesion work and how it impacts upon the world today.
In addition A Living Tradition can offer a number of courses specifically for schools:
In addition A Living Tradition can offer a number of courses specifically for schools:
For schools
1) An introductory day to North-east heritage - an overview of NE human rights heritage, followed by group work, each group putting together a presentation
about one particular issue e.g. the struggle for the vote, the anti-slavery movement, Emily Davison and women's rights, or the establishment of the Yemeni
community in South Shields. The groups will then perform their presentations and after each one there will be a discussion about what the prsentation was
about. There wil then be a re-cap through a game of 'Who Wants to be a North-east Millionaire. They day will end with a song(s) and a plenary about what the
pupils have learnt - with a range of assessment materials. Cost - £150
2) Two and a half days. First day as above. Second day will see follow-up work including poetry writing, story writing, writing PEE paragraphs, leaflet writing
(persuasive writing), formal letter writing and more. Plus half day leadingHeritage Walk around Newcastle City Centre. Total cost - £375
3) Working with a group of students on a creative project - putting together larger presentations reflecting on our heritage. £25 per hour
4) Guitar and song-writing course - learning the guitar, learning to play other people's songs, learning to write their own songs.£25 per hour
5) ESOL teaching to help with creative projects - Specially designed ESOL course to help students learn English and learn techniques to help them to write
songs, poems and stories in English. This will also aim to help them to integrate into the wider society. £25 per hour
about one particular issue e.g. the struggle for the vote, the anti-slavery movement, Emily Davison and women's rights, or the establishment of the Yemeni
community in South Shields. The groups will then perform their presentations and after each one there will be a discussion about what the prsentation was
about. There wil then be a re-cap through a game of 'Who Wants to be a North-east Millionaire. They day will end with a song(s) and a plenary about what the
pupils have learnt - with a range of assessment materials. Cost - £150
2) Two and a half days. First day as above. Second day will see follow-up work including poetry writing, story writing, writing PEE paragraphs, leaflet writing
(persuasive writing), formal letter writing and more. Plus half day leadingHeritage Walk around Newcastle City Centre. Total cost - £375
3) Working with a group of students on a creative project - putting together larger presentations reflecting on our heritage. £25 per hour
4) Guitar and song-writing course - learning the guitar, learning to play other people's songs, learning to write their own songs.£25 per hour
5) ESOL teaching to help with creative projects - Specially designed ESOL course to help students learn English and learn techniques to help them to write
songs, poems and stories in English. This will also aim to help them to integrate into the wider society. £25 per hour