A Living Tradition is not just about celebrating the past. We believe in continuing the traditions of human rights and community cohesion. Below you can see many ways in which YOU can help campaigns, along the same themes as our great heritage of human rights and community cohesion, which are taking place today.
Stop sending asylum seekers back to torture and death in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Peter Sagar from A Living Tradition has started a petition with Avaaz to go Theresa May, the Home Secretary, asking her to halt the return of asylum seekers to the DRC until their safety can be guaranteed.
To learn more about the issue and sign the petition go to:
The Struggle for democracy
This is still taking place in many parts of the world today, including Burma, Iran and in the Middle East. To help people in these and many other countries go to these websites
www.amnesty www.amnesty.org.uk www.burmacampaign.org.uk
Campaigning against slavery
Slavery still takes place in many areas, including parts of Africa, in the form of forced labour in Burma and as trafficking. To find out more and help to campaign against slavery today goto these websites:
www.antislavery.org khrg.org
Supporting trade unions
Being a trade unionist is still dangerous in many places, such as Iran and Colombia, just as it once was in our region. To support trade unionists in other countries gain their rights try these websites:
amnesty.org.uk justiceforcolombia.org
Women's Rights
Women are denied their basic human rights in a number of countries across the world today. In Iran, they ae treated as second-class citizens in the law, whilst in many countries women do not have the right to basic maternal healthcare which they should have. To help women across the world gaintheir rights go to these websites:
www.amnesty www.amnesty.org.uk
Working for community cohesion today
There is still much to do in our region and in our country to defeat racism and build safer communities. There are a number of websites you can go to for more information including:
Peter Sagar from A Living Tradition has started a petition with Avaaz to go Theresa May, the Home Secretary, asking her to halt the return of asylum seekers to the DRC until their safety can be guaranteed.
To learn more about the issue and sign the petition go to:
The Struggle for democracy
This is still taking place in many parts of the world today, including Burma, Iran and in the Middle East. To help people in these and many other countries go to these websites
www.amnesty www.amnesty.org.uk www.burmacampaign.org.uk
Campaigning against slavery
Slavery still takes place in many areas, including parts of Africa, in the form of forced labour in Burma and as trafficking. To find out more and help to campaign against slavery today goto these websites:
www.antislavery.org khrg.org
Supporting trade unions
Being a trade unionist is still dangerous in many places, such as Iran and Colombia, just as it once was in our region. To support trade unionists in other countries gain their rights try these websites:
amnesty.org.uk justiceforcolombia.org
Women's Rights
Women are denied their basic human rights in a number of countries across the world today. In Iran, they ae treated as second-class citizens in the law, whilst in many countries women do not have the right to basic maternal healthcare which they should have. To help women across the world gaintheir rights go to these websites:
www.amnesty www.amnesty.org.uk
Working for community cohesion today
There is still much to do in our region and in our country to defeat racism and build safer communities. There are a number of websites you can go to for more information including: